'Post reply', 'InputName' => 'thread', 'InputID' => $ThreadID, 'ForumID' => $ForumID, 'TextareaCols' => 90 )); * Note that InputName and InputID are the only required variables * They're used to construct the $_POST. * * Eg * * * * Globals are required as this template is included within a * function scope. * * To add a "Subscribe" box for non-forum pages (like artist/collage/... * comments), add a key 'SubscribeBox' to the array passed to View::parse. * Example: View::parse('generic/reply/quickreply.php', array( 'InputTitle' => 'Post comment', 'InputName' => 'groupid', 'InputID' => $GroupID, 'TextareaCols' => 65, 'SubscribeBox' => true )); */ global $HeavyInfo, $UserSubscriptions, $ThreadInfo, $Document; if (G::$LoggedUser['DisablePosting']) { return; } if (!isset($TextareaCols)) { $TextareaCols = 70; } if (!isset($TextareaRows)) { $TextareaRows = 8; } if (!isset($InputAction)) { $InputAction = 'reply'; } if (!isset($InputTitle)) { $InputTitle = 'Post comment'; } $ReplyText = new TEXTAREA_PREVIEW('body', 'quickpost', '', $TextareaCols, $TextareaRows, false, false, true, array( 'tabindex="1"', 'onkeyup="resize(\'quickpost\')"' )); ?>

method="post" onsubmit="quickpostform.submit_button.disabled = true;">
getBuffer(); ?>
tabindex="2" /> tabindex="2" />