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- define('FOOTER_FILE', SERVER_ROOT.'/design/privatefooter.php');
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- <?
- if (isset(G::$LoggedUser['Notify'])) {
- foreach (G::$LoggedUser['Notify'] as $Filter) {
- list($FilterID, $FilterName) = $Filter;
- ?>
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- title="<?=SITE_NAME?> - <?=display_str($FilterName)?>" />
- <?
- }
- }
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- title="<?=SITE_NAME?> - Manga Torrents" />
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- title="<?=SITE_NAME?> - Games Torrents" />
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- href="feeds.php?feed=torrents_other&user=<?=G::$LoggedUser['ID']?>&auth=<?=G::$LoggedUser['RSS_Auth']?>&passkey=<?=G::$LoggedUser['torrent_pass']?>&authkey=<?=G::$LoggedUser['AuthKey']?>"
- title="<?=SITE_NAME?> - Other Torrents" />
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- if (empty(G::$LoggedUser['StyleURL'])) {
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- <?
- } else {
- $StyleURLInfo = parse_url(G::$LoggedUser['StyleURL']);
- if (substr(G::$LoggedUser['StyleURL'], -4) == '.css'
- && empty($StyleURLInfo['query']) && empty($StyleURLInfo['fragment'])
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- && file_exists(SERVER_ROOT.$StyleURLInfo['path'])) {
- $StyleURL = G::$LoggedUser['StyleURL'].'?v='.filemtime(SERVER_ROOT.$StyleURLInfo['path']);
- } else {
- $StyleURL = G::$LoggedUser['StyleURL'];
- }
- ?>
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- <?
- }
- $ExtraCSS = explode(',', $CSSIncludes);
- foreach ($ExtraCSS as $CSS) {
- if (trim($CSS) == '') {
- continue;
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- }
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- var authkey = "<?=G::$LoggedUser['AuthKey']?>";
- var userid = <?=G::$LoggedUser['ID']?>;
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- <?
- }
- global $ClassLevels;
- global $NotificationSpans;
- $NotificationsManager = new NotificationsManager(G::$LoggedUser['ID']);
- $Notifications = $NotificationsManager->get_notifications();
- $UseNoty = $NotificationsManager->use_noty();
- $NewSubscriptions = false;
- $NotificationSpans = array();
- foreach ($Notifications as $Type => $Notification) {
- if ($Type === NotificationsManager::SUBSCRIPTIONS) {
- $NewSubscriptions = true;
- }
- if ($UseNoty) {
- $NotificationSpans[] = "<span class=\"noty-notification\" style=\"display: none;\" data-noty-type=\"$Type\" data-noty-id=\"$Notification[id]\" data-noty-importance=\"$Notification[importance]\" data-noty-url=\"$Notification[url]\">$Notification[message]</span>";
- }
- }
- if ($UseNoty && !empty($NotificationSpans)) {
- NotificationsManagerView::load_js();
- }
- if ($NotificationsManager->is_skipped(NotificationsManager::SUBSCRIPTIONS)) {
- $NewSubscriptions = Subscriptions::has_new_subscriptions();
- }
- ?>
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- $BodyStyles = 'style_'.implode(' style_', G::$LoggedUser['StyleAdditions']);
- }
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- <?
- if (isset(G::$LoggedUser['SearchType']) && G::$LoggedUser['SearchType']) {
- $UseAdvancedSearch = true;
- } else {
- $UseAdvancedSearch = false;
- }
- ?>
- <div id="searchbars">
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- <li id="searchbar_torrents">
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- <form class="search_form" name="torrents" action="torrents.php" method="get">
- <? if ($UseAdvancedSearch) { ?>
- <input type="hidden" name="action" value="advanced" />
- <? } ?>
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- </form>
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- <span class="hidden">Artist: </span>
- <form class="search_form" name="artists" action="artist.php" method="get">
- <input id="artistsearch"<?=Users::has_autocomplete_enabled('search');
- ?> accesskey="a"
- spellcheck="false" autocomplete="off"
- onfocus="if (this.value == 'Artists') { this.value = ''; }"
- onblur="if (this.value == '') { this.value = 'Artists'; }"
- value="Artists" placeholder="Artists" type="text" name="artistname" size="17" />
- </form>
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- <form class="search_form" name="requests" action="requests.php" method="get">
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- onblur="if (this.value == '') { this.value = 'Requests'; }"
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- Format::add_class($PageID, array('requests'), 'active', true)?>>
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- Format::add_class($PageID, array('wiki'), 'active', true)?>>
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- Format::add_class($PageID, array('staff'), 'active', true)?>>
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- <ul id="userinfo_username">
- <li id="nav_userinfo" <?=Format::add_class($PageID, array('user', false, false), 'active', true, 'id')?>>
- <a href="user.php?id=<?=G::$LoggedUser['ID']?>" class="username"><?=G::$LoggedUser['Username']?></a>
- </li>
- <li id="nav_userclass">
- <span class="hidden userclass"><?=$ClassLevels[G::$LoggedUser['Class']]['Name']?></span>
- </li>
- <li id="nav_useredit" class="brackets<?=Format::add_class($PageID, array('user','edit'), 'active', false)?>">
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- <li id="nav_upload" class="brackets<?=Format::add_class($PageID, array('upload'), 'active', false)?>">
- <a href="upload.php">Upload</a>
- </li>
- <?
- if (check_perms('site_send_unlimited_invites')) {
- $Invites = ' (∞)';
- } elseif (G::$LoggedUser['Invites'] > 0) {
- $Invites = ' ('.G::$LoggedUser['Invites'].')';
- } else {
- $Invites = '';
- }
- ?>
- <li id="nav_invite" class="brackets<?=Format::add_class($PageID, array('user','invite'), 'active', false)?>">
- <a href="user.php?action=invite">Invite<?=$Invites?></a>
- </li>
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- <a href="donate.php">Donate</a>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <ul id="userinfo_stats">
- <li id="stats_seeding">
- <a href="torrents.php?type=seeding&userid=<?=G::$LoggedUser['ID']?>">Up</a>:
- <span class="stat tooltip" title="<?=Format::get_size(G::$LoggedUser['BytesUploaded'], 5)?>"><?=Format::get_size(G::$LoggedUser['BytesUploaded'])?></span>
- </li>
- <li id="stats_leeching">
- <a href="torrents.php?type=leeching&userid=<?=G::$LoggedUser['ID']?>">Down</a>:
- <span class="stat tooltip" title="<?=Format::get_size(G::$LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'], 5)?>"><?=Format::get_size(G::$LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'])?></span>
- </li>
- <li id="stats_ratio">
- Ratio: <span class="stat"><?=Format::get_ratio_html(G::$LoggedUser['BytesUploaded'], G::$LoggedUser['BytesDownloaded'])?></span>
- </li>
- <? if (!empty(G::$LoggedUser['RequiredRatio']) && G::$LoggedUser['RequiredRatio'] > 0) { ?>
- <li id="stats_required">
- <a href="rules.php?p=ratio">Required</a>:
- <span class="stat tooltip" title="<?=number_format(G::$LoggedUser['RequiredRatio'], 5)?>"><?=number_format(G::$LoggedUser['RequiredRatio'], 2)?></span>
- </li>
- <? }
- if (G::$LoggedUser['FLTokens'] > 0) { ?>
- <li id="fl_tokens">
- <a href="wiki.php?action=article&id=7">Tokens</a>:
- <span class="stat">
- <a href="userhistory.php?action=token_history&userid=<?=G::$LoggedUser['ID']?>"><?=G::$LoggedUser['FLTokens']?></a>
- </span>
- </li>
- <? }
- ?>
- <li id="bonus_points">
- <a href="wiki.php?action=article&id=8">Nips</a>:
- <span class="stat">
- <a href="store.php"><?=number_format(G::$LoggedUser['BonusPoints'])?></a>
- </span>
- </li>
- <? if (G::$LoggedUser['HnR'] > 0) { ?>
- <li id="hnr">
- <a href="snatchlist.php">HnRs</a>:
- <span class="stat">
- <a><?=G::$LoggedUser['HnR']?></a>
- </span>
- </li>
- <? }
- ?>
- </ul>
- <ul id="userinfo_minor"<?=$NewSubscriptions ? ' class="highlite"' : ''?>>
- <li>
- <span id="header_links_menu" class="brackets">Links ▾</span>
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- Format::add_class($PageID, array('inbox'), 'active', true)?>>
- <a href="<?=Inbox::get_inbox_link(); ?>">Inbox</a>
- </li>
- <li id="nav_staffinbox"<?=
- Format::add_class($PageID, array('staffpm'), 'active', true)?>>
- <a href="staffpm.php">Staff Inbox</a>
- </li>
- <li id="nav_uploaded"<?=
- Format::add_class($PageID, array('torrents', false, 'uploaded'), 'active', true, 'userid')?>>
- <a href="torrents.php?type=uploaded&userid=<?=G::$LoggedUser['ID']?>">Uploads</a>
- </li>
- <li id="nav_bookmarks"<?=
- Format::add_class($PageID, array('bookmarks'), 'active', true)?>>
- <a href="bookmarks.php?type=torrents">Bookmarks</a>
- </li>
- <? if (check_perms('site_torrents_notify')) { ?>
- <li id="nav_notifications"<?=
- Format::add_class($PageID, array(array('torrents', 'notify'), array('user', 'notify')), 'active', true, 'userid')?>>
- <a href="user.php?action=notify">Notifications</a>
- </li>
- <? }
- $ClassNames = $NewSubscriptions ? 'new-subscriptions' : '';
- $ClassNames = trim($ClassNames.Format::add_class($PageID, array('userhistory', 'subscriptions'), 'active', false));
- ?>
- <li id="nav_subscriptions"<?=$ClassNames ? " class=\"$ClassNames\"" : ''?>>
- <a href="userhistory.php?action=subscriptions">Subscriptions</a>
- </li>
- <li id="nav_comments"<?=
- Format::add_class($PageID, array('comments'), 'active', true, 'userid')?>>
- <a href="comments.php">Comments</a></li>
- <li id="nav_friends"<?=
- Format::add_class($PageID, array('friends'), 'active', true)?>>
- <a href="friends.php">Friends</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- <?
- //Start handling alert bars
- $Alerts = array();
- $ModBar = array();
- // Staff blog
- if (check_perms('users_mod')) {
- global $SBlogReadTime, $LatestSBlogTime;
- if (!$SBlogReadTime && ($SBlogReadTime = G::$Cache->get_value('staff_blog_read_'.G::$LoggedUser['ID'])) === false) {
- G::$DB->query("
- FROM staff_blog_visits
- WHERE UserID = ".G::$LoggedUser['ID']);
- if (list($SBlogReadTime) = G::$DB->next_record()) {
- $SBlogReadTime = strtotime($SBlogReadTime);
- } else {
- $SBlogReadTime = 0;
- }
- G::$Cache->cache_value('staff_blog_read_'.G::$LoggedUser['ID'], $SBlogReadTime, 1209600);
- }
- if (!$LatestSBlogTime && ($LatestSBlogTime = G::$Cache->get_value('staff_blog_latest_time')) === false) {
- G::$DB->query("
- FROM staff_blog");
- list($LatestSBlogTime) = G::$DB->next_record();
- if ($LatestSBlogTime) {
- $LatestSBlogTime = strtotime($LatestSBlogTime);
- } else {
- $LatestSBlogTime = 0;
- }
- G::$Cache->cache_value('staff_blog_latest_time', $LatestSBlogTime, 1209600);
- }
- if ($SBlogReadTime < $LatestSBlogTime) {
- $Alerts[] = '<a href="staffblog.php">New staff blog post!</a>';
- }
- }
- if ($NotificationsManager->is_traditional(NotificationsManager::INBOX)) {
- $NotificationsManager->load_inbox();
- $NewMessages = $NotificationsManager->get_notifications();
- if (isset($NewMessages[NotificationsManager::INBOX])) {
- $Alerts[] = NotificationsManagerView::format_traditional($NewMessages[NotificationsManager::INBOX]);
- }
- $NotificationsManager->clear_notifications_array();
- }
- if (G::$LoggedUser['RatioWatch']) {
- $Alerts[] = '<a href="rules.php?p=ratio">Ratio Watch</a>: You have '.time_diff(G::$LoggedUser['RatioWatchEnds'], 3).' to get your ratio over your required ratio or your leeching abilities will be disabled.';
- } elseif (G::$LoggedUser['CanLeech'] != 1) {
- $Alerts[] = '<a href="rules.php?p=ratio">Ratio Watch</a>: Your downloading privileges are disabled until you meet your required ratio.';
- }
- if ($NotificationsManager->is_traditional(NotificationsManager::TORRENTS)) {
- $NotificationsManager->load_torrent_notifications();
- $NewTorrents = $NotificationsManager->get_notifications();
- if (isset($NewTorrents[NotificationsManager::TORRENTS])) {
- $Alerts[] = NotificationsManagerView::format_traditional($NewTorrents[NotificationsManager::TORRENTS]);
- }
- $NotificationsManager->clear_notifications_array();
- }
- if ($ContestSettings = G::$Cache->get_value('contest_settings')) {
- if (time() > $ContestSettings['start'] && time() < $ContestSettings['end']) {
- $Alerts[] = '<a href="/contest.php">A Contest is Underway!</a>';
- }
- }
- if (check_perms('users_mod')) {
- $ModBar[] = '<a href="tools.php">Toolbox</a>';
- }
- if (check_perms('users_mod')) {
- $NumStaffPMs = G::$Cache->get_value('num_staff_pms_'.G::$LoggedUser['ID']);
- if ($NumStaffPMs === false) {
- if (check_perms('users_mod')) {
- $LevelCap = 1000;
- G::$DB->query("
- FROM staff_pm_conversations
- WHERE Status = 'Unanswered'
- AND (AssignedToUser = ".G::$LoggedUser['ID']."
- OR (LEAST('$LevelCap', Level) <= '".G::$LoggedUser['EffectiveClass']."'
- AND Level <= ".G::$LoggedUser['Class']."))");
- }
- if (G::$LoggedUser['PermissionID'] == FORUM_MOD) {
- G::$DB->query("
- FROM staff_pm_conversations
- WHERE Status='Unanswered'
- AND (AssignedToUser = ".G::$LoggedUser['ID']."
- OR Level = '". $Classes[FORUM_MOD]['Level'] . "')");
- }
- list($NumStaffPMs) = G::$DB->next_record();
- G::$Cache->cache_value('num_staff_pms_'.G::$LoggedUser['ID'], $NumStaffPMs , 1000);
- }
- if ($NumStaffPMs > 0) {
- $ModBar[] = '<a href="staffpm.php">'.$NumStaffPMs.' Staff PMs</a>';
- }
- }
- if (check_perms('admin_reports')) {
- $NumTorrentReports = G::$Cache->get_value('num_torrent_reportsv2');
- if ($NumTorrentReports === false) {
- G::$DB->query("
- FROM reportsv2
- WHERE Status = 'New'");
- list($NumTorrentReports) = G::$DB->next_record();
- G::$Cache->cache_value('num_torrent_reportsv2', $NumTorrentReports, 0);
- }
- $ModBar[] = '<a href="reportsv2.php">'.$NumTorrentReports.(($NumTorrentReports == 1) ? ' Report' : ' Reports').'</a>';
- $NumOtherReports = G::$Cache->get_value('num_other_reports');
- if ($NumOtherReports === false) {
- G::$DB->query("
- FROM reports
- WHERE Status = 'New'");
- list($NumOtherReports) = G::$DB->next_record();
- G::$Cache->cache_value('num_other_reports', $NumOtherReports, 0);
- }
- if ($NumOtherReports > 0) {
- $ModBar[] = '<a href="reports.php">'.$NumOtherReports.(($NumTorrentReports == 1) ? ' Other report' : ' Other reports').'</a>';
- }
- } elseif (check_perms('project_team')) {
- $NumUpdateReports = G::$Cache->get_value('num_update_reports');
- if ($NumUpdateReports === false) {
- G::$DB->query("
- FROM reports
- WHERE Status = 'New'
- AND Type = 'request_update'");
- list($NumUpdateReports) = G::$DB->next_record();
- G::$Cache->cache_value('num_update_reports', $NumUpdateReports, 0);
- }
- if ($NumUpdateReports > 0) {
- $ModBar[] = '<a href="reports.php">Request update reports</a>';
- }
- } elseif (check_perms('site_moderate_forums')) {
- $NumForumReports = G::$Cache->get_value('num_forum_reports');
- if ($NumForumReports === false) {
- G::$DB->query("
- FROM reports
- WHERE Status = 'New'
- AND Type IN('artist_comment', 'collages_comment', 'post', 'requests_comment', 'thread', 'torrents_comment')");
- list($NumForumReports) = G::$DB->next_record();
- G::$Cache->cache_value('num_forum_reports', $NumForumReports, 0);
- }
- if ($NumForumReports > 0) {
- $ModBar[] = '<a href="reports.php">'.$NumForumReports.(($NumForumReports == 1) ? ' Forum report' : ' Forum reports').'</a>';
- }
- }
- if (check_perms('users_mod')) {
- $NumEmailDeleteRequests = G::$Cache->get_value('num_email_delete_requests');
- if ($NumEmailDeleteRequests === false) {
- G::$DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM email_delete_requests");
- list($NumEmailDeleteRequests) = G::$DB->next_record();
- G::$Cache->cache_value('num_email_delete_requests', $NumEmailDeleteRequests);
- }
- if ($NumEmailDeleteRequests > 0) {
- $ModBar[] = '<a href="tools.php?action=delete_email">' . $NumEmailDeleteRequests . " Email deletion request(s)</a>";
- }
- }
- if (check_perms('users_mod') && FEATURE_EMAIL_REENABLE) {
- $NumEnableRequests = G::$Cache->get_value(AutoEnable::CACHE_KEY_NAME);
- if ($NumEnableRequests === false) {
- G::$DB->query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM users_enable_requests WHERE Outcome IS NULL");
- list($NumEnableRequests) = G::$DB->next_record();
- G::$Cache->cache_value(AutoEnable::CACHE_KEY_NAME, $NumEnableRequests);
- }
- if ($NumEnableRequests > 0) {
- $ModBar[] = '<a href="tools.php?action=enable_requests">' . $NumEnableRequests . " Enable requests</a>";
- }
- }
- if (!empty($Alerts) || !empty($ModBar)) { ?>
- <div id="alerts">
- <? foreach ($Alerts as $Alert) { ?>
- <div class="alertbar"><?=$Alert?></div>
- <?
- }
- if (!empty($ModBar)) { ?>
- <div class="alertbar blend">
- <?=implode(' | ', $ModBar); echo "\n"?>
- </div>
- <? }
- if (check_perms('site_debug') && !apc_exists('DBKEY')) { ?>
- <div class="alertbar" style="color: white; background: #B53939;">
- Warning: <a href="tools.php?action=database_key">no DB key</a>
- </div>
- <? } ?>
- </div>
- <?
- }
- //Done handling alertbars
- ?>
- <div id="content">