- // ==UserScript==
- // @name SugoiMusic Filter Toggle
- // @namespace http://sugoimusic.me
- // @version 0.1
- // @description Modifies filter bar behavior on artist pages so that mutiple categories can be selected
- // @author herbert
- // @icon https://sugoimusic.me/favicon.ico
- // @match https://sugoimusic.me/artist.php?id=*
- // @grant none
- // ==/UserScript==
- function filter(e){
- if (e.getAttribute('selected') === 'true'){
- hideCategory(e);
- } else {
- showCategory(e);
- }
- apply_torrent_table_styling();
- }
- function showAll(e){
- let filterCats = document.querySelectorAll('li[id^="nav"]>a.filter-cat');
- console.log(filterCats);
- for (let element of filterCats){
- console.log(element);
- showCategory(element);
- }
- apply_torrent_table_styling();
- }
- function hideCategory(e) {
- let className = e.parentElement.getAttribute('id').replace('nav_','');
- if (e.closest('#discog_table')){
- $('.non_contrib_table .'+className).ghide();
- } else {
- $('.contrib_table .'+className).ghide();
- }
- e.setAttribute('selected',false);
- e.style.fontWeight = 'normal';
- }
- function showCategory(e) {
- let className = e.parentElement.getAttribute('id').replace('nav_','');
- if (e.closest('#discog_table')){
- $('.non_contrib_table .'+className).gshow();
- } else {
- $('.contrib_table .'+className).gshow();
- }
- e.setAttribute('selected',true);
- e.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
- }
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- let filterAll = document.querySelector('a#nav_all');
- filterAll.removeAttribute('onclick');
- filterAll.setAttribute('href','#/');
- filterAll.addEventListener('click',function(){
- showAll(this);
- });
- let filterCats = document.querySelectorAll('li[id^="nav"]>a.filter-cat');
- for (let element of filterCats){
- element.removeAttribute('onclick');
- element.setAttribute('selected',true);
- element.setAttribute('href','#/');
- element.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
- element.addEventListener('click',function(event){
- filter(this);
- });
- }
- })();