@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@ |
# Standard library packages |
import re |
import os |
import sys |
import shutil |
import string |
import argparse |
import html |
from urllib.parse import urlparse |
import json |
import ftplib |
# Third-party packages |
import requests |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup |
from mutagen.flac import FLAC |
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 |
from torf import Torrent |
from tqdm import tqdm |
from langdetect import detect |
# JPS-AU files |
import jpspy |
def asciiart (): |
print(""" |
██╗██████╗ ███████╗ █████╗ ██╗ ██╗ |
██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝ ██╔══██╗██║ ██║ |
██║██████╔╝███████╗█████╗███████║██║ ██║ |
██ ██║██╔═══╝ ╚════██║╚════╝██╔══██║██║ ██║ |
╚█████╔╝██║ ███████║ ██║ ██║╚██████╔╝ |
╚════╝ ╚═╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ |
""") |
# Get arguments using argparse |
def getargs(): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
parser.add_argument('-dir', '--directory', help='Initiate upload on directory', nargs='?', required=True) |
parser.add_argument("-f", "--freeleech", help="Enables freeleech", action="store_true") |
parser.add_argument("-t", "--tags", help="Add additional tags to the upload", nargs='?') |
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', help='Enable debug mode', action='store_true') |
parser.add_argument("-dry", "--dryrun", help="Dryrun will carry out all actions other than the actual upload to JPS.", action="store_true") |
return parser.parse_args() |
# Acquire the authkey used for torrent files from upload.php |
def getauthkey(): |
uploadpage = j.retrieveContent("https://jpopsuki.eu/upload.php") |
soup = BeautifulSoup(uploadpage.text, 'html5lib') |
rel2 = str(soup.select('#wrapper #content .thin')) |
# Regex returns multiple matches, could be optimized. |
authkey = re.findall("(?<=value=\")(.*)(?=\")", rel2)[0] |
return authkey |
def copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None): |
for item in os.listdir(src): |
s = os.path.join(src, item) |
d = os.path.join(dst, item) |
if os.path.isdir(s): |
shutil.copytree(s, d, symlinks, ignore) |
else: |
shutil.copy2(s, d) |
# Creates torrent file using torf module. |
def createtorrent(authkey, directory, filename, releasedata): |
t = Torrent(path=directory, |
trackers=[authkey]) # Torf requires we store authkeys in a list object. This makes it easier to add multiple announce urls. |
# Set torrent to private as standard practice for private trackers |
t.private = True |
t.generate() |
## Format releasedata to bring a suitable torrent name. |
# The reason we don't just use the directory name is because of an error in POSTING. |
# POSTS do not seem to POST hangul/jp characters alongside files. |
filename = f"{releasedata['artist']} - {releasedata['title']} [{releasedata['media']}-{releasedata['format']}].torrent" |
#filename = filename.replace("\\","") |
try: |
t.write(filename) |
print("_" * 100) |
print("Torrent creation:\n") |
print(f"{filename} has been created.") |
except: |
print("_" * 100) |
print("Torrent creation:\n") |
os.remove(filename) |
print(f"{filename} already exists, existing torrent will be replaced.") |
t.write(filename) |
print(f"{filename} has been created.") |
return filename |
# Reads FLAC file and returns metadata. |
def readflac(filename): |
read = FLAC(filename) |
# Create dict containing all meta fields we'll be using. |
tags={ |
"ALBUM": read.get('album'), |
"ALBUMARTIST": read.get('albumartist'), |
"ARTIST": read.get('artist'), |
"DATE": read.get('date')[0], |
"GENRE": "",#read.get('genre'), |
"TITLE": read.get('title'), |
"COMMENT": read.get('comment'), |
"TRACKNUMBER": read.get('tracknumber')[0].zfill(2), |
"DISCNUMBER": read.get('discnumber')} |
# Not further looked into this but some FLACs hold a grouping key of contentgroup instead of grouping. |
tags['GROUPING'] = read.get('grouping') |
## If grouping returns None we check contentgroup. |
# If it still returns none we will ignore it and handle on final checks |
if tags['GROUPING'] == None: |
tags['GROUPING'] = read.get('contentgroup') |
required_tags = ['ALBUM', 'ALBUMARTIST','DATE','TRACKNUMBER'] |
for k,v in tags.items(): |
if v == None: |
if k in required_tags: |
print(f"{k} has returned {v}, this is a required tag") |
sys.exit() |
return tags |
# Reads MP3 file and returns metadata. |
def readmp3(filename): |
read = MP3(filename) |
# Create dict containing all meta fields we'll be using. |
tags={ |
"ALBUM": read.get('TALB'), # Album Title |
"ALBUMARTIST": read.get('TPE2'), # Album Artist |
"ARTIST": read.get('TPE1'), # Track Artist |
"DATE": str(read.get('TDRC')), # Date YYYYMMDD (Will need to add a try/except for other possible identifiers) |
"GENRE": read.get('TCON').text, # Genre |
"TITLE": read.get('TIT2'), # Track Title |
"COMMENT": read.get('COMM::eng'), # Track Comment |
"GROUPING": read.get('TIT1'), # Grouping |
"TRACKNUMBER": re.sub(r"\/.*", "", str(read.get('TRCK'))).zfill(2), # Tracknumber (Format #/Total) Re.sub removes /# |
"DISCNUMBER": re.sub(r"\/.*", "", str(read.get('TPOS')))} # Discnumber (Format #/Total) Re.sub removes /# |
required_tags = ['ALBUM', 'ALBUMARTIST','DATE','TRACKNUMBER'] |
for k,v in tags.items(): |
if v == None: |
if k in required_tags: |
print(f"{k} has returned {v}, this is a required tag") |
sys.exit() |
return tags |
# Generates new log file based on directory contents |
def generatelog(track_titles, log_filename, log_directory): |
# Seperate each tracklist entry in the list with a newline |
track_titles = '\n'.join([str(x) for x in track_titles]) |
# Format tracklist layout |
log_contents = f"""[size=5][b]Tracklist[/b][/size]\n{track_titles} |
""" |
# If we have chosen to save the tracklist then we write log_contents to a .log file within the log directory specified |
if cfg['local_prefs']['save_tracklist']: |
# Write to {album_name}.log |
with open(f"{log_directory}/{log_filename}.log", "w+") as f: |
f.write(log_contents) |
# Reset position to first line and read |
f.seek(0) |
log_contents = f.read() |
f.close() |
# If debug mode is enabled we will print the log contents. |
if debug: |
print("_" * 100) |
print(f"Log Contents/Tracklisting: {log_contents}") |
return log_contents |
def readlog(log_name, log_directory): |
with open(f"{log_directory}/{log_name}.log", "r+") as f: |
log_contents = f.read() |
f.close() |
return log_contents |
def add_to_hangul_dict(hangul , english , category): |
hangul = str(hangul) |
english = str(english) |
categories = ['version','general','artist','genres', 'label', 'distr'] |
file = f"json_data/dictionary.json" |
json_file = open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') |
dictionary = json.load(json_file) |
json_file.close() |
new = dict() |
for cats in dictionary: |
#== Create the categories in the new temp file |
new[cats] = dict() |
for key,value in dictionary[cats].items(): |
#== List all the old items into the new dict |
new[cats][key] = value |
if hangul in new[category].keys(): |
if new[category].get(hangul) is None: |
if english != 'None': |
new[category][hangul] = english |
else: |
#== Only update if English word has been supplied ==# |
if english != 'None': |
new[category][hangul] = english |
else: |
if english == 'None': |
new[category][hangul] = None |
else: |
new[category][hangul] = english |
json_write = open(file, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') |
json_write.write(json.dumps(new, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)) |
json_write.close() |
def translate(string, category, result=None, output=None): |
file = "json_data/dictionary.json" |
with open(file, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f: |
dictionary = json.load(f, strict=False) |
category = str(category) |
string = str(string) |
search = dictionary[category] |
string = string.strip() |
if string == 'Various Artists': |
output = ['Various Artists',None] |
else: |
if re.search("\((?P<inside>.*)\)", string): |
#== Complete translation, add to dictionary with both values ==# |
#== Contains parentheses, need to split |
parenthesis = string.split("(") |
pre_parenthesis = parenthesis[0].strip() |
in_parenthesis = parenthesis[1].replace(")","").strip() |
#== Check the order of the parentheses ==# |
if re.search("[^\u0000-\u007F]+",pre_parenthesis) and re.search("[^\u0000-\u007F]+",in_parenthesis): |
#== Both hangul |
first = 'kr' |
second = 'kr' |
else: |
if re.search("[^\u0000-\u007F]+",pre_parenthesis): |
first = 'kr' |
second = 'eng' |
else: |
first = 'eng' |
second = 'kr' |
if first == 'kr' and second == 'eng': |
#== Hangul first ==# |
hangul = pre_parenthesis |
english = in_parenthesis |
add_to_hangul_dict(hangul,english,category) |
elif first == 'eng' and second == 'kr': |
#== English first ==# |
hangul = in_parenthesis |
english = pre_parenthesis |
add_to_hangul_dict(hangul,english,category) |
elif first == 'kr' and second == 'kr': |
#== Both Hangul ==# |
hangul = pre_parenthesis |
english = None |
add_to_hangul_dict(pre_parenthesis,None,category) |
add_to_hangul_dict(hangul,None,category) |
else: |
#== Both English |
hangul = None |
english = pre_parenthesis |
output = [hangul,english] |
#== No parentheses - HANGUL |
else: |
#== If the input string is a full Hangul word - check dictionary and then add if necessary) |
if re.search("[^\u0000-\u007F]+", string): |
if string in search.keys(): |
#== yes |
if search.get(string) is None: |
#== If the keyword does not have a translation, add it to the dictionary ==# |
output = [string,None] |
else: |
#== Translation already exists, output the result in a list ==# |
output = [string,search.get(string)] |
else: |
output = [string,None] |
add_to_hangul_dict(string, None, category) |
#== Full English name -- leave it |
else: |
for key,value in search.items(): |
if key == string: |
output = [value,string] |
break |
else: |
output = [string,string] |
return output |
def gatherdata(directory): |
# Lists for storing some |
list_album_artists = [] |
list_track_artists = [] |
list_album = [] |
list_genre = [] |
translated_genre = [] |
translated_album_artists = [] |
tracklist_entries = [] |
# Creation of releasedata dict, this will store formatted meta used for the POST. |
releasedata = {} |
## Set no log as default value. |
# This will be set to True is a .log file is found, in turn this will allow us to determine if WEB or CD. |
log_available = False |
flac_present = False |
mp3_present = False |
# Read directory contents, grab metadata of .FLAC files. |
for file in os.listdir(directory): |
file_location = os.path.join(directory, file) |
if file.endswith(".flac"): |
# Read FLAC file to grab meta |
tags = readflac(file_location) |
flac_present = True |
# If Discnumber isn't present then we omit it from the tracklist entry |
if tags['DISCNUMBER'] == None: |
tracklist_entry = f"[b]{tags['TRACKNUMBER']}[/b]. {tags['TITLE'][0]}" |
else: |
tracklist_entry = f"[b]{tags['DISCNUMBER'][0]}-{tags['TRACKNUMBER']}[/b]. {tags['TITLE'][0]}" |
tracklist_entries.append(tracklist_entry) |
if debug: |
print ("_" * 100) |
print(f"Tags for {file}:\n{tags}") |
if file.endswith(".mp3"): |
# Read MP3 file to grab meta |
tags = readmp3(file_location) |
mp3_present = True |
# If Discnumber isn't present then we omit it from the tracklist entry |
if tags['DISCNUMBER'] == "None": |
tracklist_entry = f"[b]{tags['TRACKNUMBER']}[/b]. {tags['TITLE'][0]}" |
else: |
tracklist_entry = f"[b]{tags['DISCNUMBER']}-{tags['TRACKNUMBER']}[/b]. {tags['TITLE'][0]}" |
tracklist_entries.append(tracklist_entry) |
if debug: |
print ("_" * 100) |
print(f"Tags for {file}:\n{tags}") |
# If only one genre in list attempt to split as there's likely more. |
if len(tags['GENRE']) == 1: |
tags['GENRE'] = tags['GENRE'][0].split(";") |
for aa in tags['ALBUMARTIST']: |
list_album_artists.append(aa) |
for a in tags['ARTIST']: |
list_track_artists.append(a) |
list_album.append(tags['ALBUM'][0]) |
# for g in tags['GENRE']: |
# list_genre.append(g) |
# Check files to make sure there's no multi-format. |
if flac_present: |
format = 'FLAC' |
bitrate = 'Lossless' |
if mp3_present: |
format = 'MP3' |
bitrate = '320' |
if flac_present and mp3_present: |
print("Mutt detected, exiting.") |
sys.exit() |
if file.endswith(".log"): |
log_available = True |
if log_available == True: |
media = 'CD' |
else: |
media = 'WEB' |
# Load Dict.json for translations |
file = "json_data/dictionary.json" |
with open(file, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f: |
dictionary = json.load(f, strict=False) |
# Split additional genre's at comma and append to existing genre tags |
if additional_tags != None: |
split_tags = additional_tags.split(",") |
for s in split_tags: |
list_genre.append(s) |
# Translate genre's using dict and append to translated_genre |
for g in set(list_genre): |
translation = translate(g, "genres")[0] |
translated_genre.append(translation) |
# Translate artist's using dict and append to translated_album_artists |
for a in set(list_album_artists): |
if tags['ALBUMARTIST'][0] == 'Various Artists': |
translated_artist_name = 'V.A.' |
translated_album_artists.append("V.A.") |
else: |
translated_artist_name = translate(string=tags['ALBUMARTIST'][0], category="artist") |
translated_album_artists.append(translated_artist_name[0]) |
## Identify unique values using sets. |
unique_album_artists = ','.join(set(translated_album_artists)) |
unique_track_artists = ','.join(set(list_track_artists)) |
unique_genre = ','.join(set(translated_genre)) |
unique_album = set(list_album) |
## Acquire contents of our log file to be used for album description |
# Comments store the album id which matches our log names, so we can use the comment tag to find our album descriptions. |
log_directory = cfg['local_prefs']['log_directory'] |
# Album description taken from log file. |
if cfg['local_prefs']['generate_tracklist']: |
log_filename = f"{unique_album_artists} - {tags['ALBUM'][0]}" |
album_description = generatelog(tracklist_entries, log_filename, log_directory) |
else: |
log_filename = tags['COMMENT'][0] |
album_description = readlog(log_filename, log_directory) |
## If release description is enabled we apply comments to the bugs album url |
# Note that this is dependant on the album being sourced from bugs so should be changed per user. |
if cfg['local_prefs']['enable_release_description']: |
try: |
release_description = f"Sourced from [url=https://music.bugs.co.kr/album/{tags['COMMENT'][0]}]Bugs[/url]" |
# If any exceptions occur we will return to no release description |
except: |
release_description = "" |
# If release description is not enabled we will use no release description |
else: |
release_description = "" |
## Assign all our unique values into releasedata{}. We'll use this later down the line for POSTING. |
# POST values can be found by inspecting JPS HTML |
releasedata['submit'] = 'true' |
# List of accepted upload types |
accepted_types = ['Album', 'Single'] |
# If type errors then we ask for user input |
try: |
releasedata['type'] = translate(tags['GROUPING'][0], "release_types")[0] |
except TypeError: |
releasedata['type'] = input("\n" + "_" * 100 + "\nGrouping is empty or has received an error, please enter manually (Album/Single)\n") |
# If type is still not in accepted_types we ask for user input again and do not break loop until correct |
if releasedata['type'] not in accepted_types: |
while True: |
releasedata['type'] = input("\n" + "_" * 100 + "\nGrouping tag did not return an album type, please enter manually (Album/Single)\n") |
if releasedata['type'] not in accepted_types: |
continue |
else: |
break |
releasedata['title'] = tags['ALBUM'][0] |
releasedata['artist'] = unique_album_artists |
# If the value of album artist and artist is the same, we don't need to POST original artist. |
if unique_album_artists != unique_track_artists: |
releasedata['artistjp'] = unique_track_artists |
#re.sub removes any date separators, jps doesn't accept them |
releasedata['releasedate'] = re.sub(r"[^0-9]", "", tags['DATE']) |
releasedata['format'] = format |
releasedata['bitrate'] = bitrate |
releasedata['media'] = media |
releasedata['album_desc'] = album_description |
releasedata['release_desc'] = release_description |
releasedata['tags'] = unique_genre |
# Enable freeleech if arg is passed |
if freeleech: |
releasedata['freeleech'] = "true" |
## Language Checks |
# This is a required check as we don't want to enter non-english/romaji characters into the title/artist field. |
en = detectlanguage(releasedata['title']) |
if debug: |
print("_" * 100) |
print("Title/Artist Language:\n") |
print(f"{releasedata['title']} < English = {en}") |
if en == False: |
input_english_title = input("\n" + "_" * 100 + "\nKorean/Japanese Detected. Please enter the romaji/english title:\n") |
# Create new key called titlejp and assign the old title to it |
releasedata['titlejp'] = releasedata['title'] |
# Replace title with the user input. |
releasedata['title'] = input_english_title |
en = detectlanguage(releasedata['artist']) |
if debug: |
print(f"{releasedata['artist']} < English = {en}") |
if en == False: |
input_english_artist = input("\n" + "_" * 100 + "\nKorean/Japanese Detected. Please enter the romaji/english artist name:\n") |
# Create new key called titlejp and assign the old title to it |
# Replace title with the user input. |
releasedata['artist'] = input_english_artist |
return releasedata |
# Simple function to split a string up into characters |
def split(word): |
return [char for char in word] |
def detectlanguage(string): |
## Language Detect |
# This is a required check as we don't want to enter non-english/romaji characters into the title field. |
characters = split(string) |
language_list = [] |
for c in characters: |
try: |
language = detect(c) |
language_list.append(language) |
except: |
langauge = "error" |
if 'ko' or 'ja' in language_list: |
en = False |
else: |
en = True |
return en |
def uploadtorrent(torrent, cover, releasedata): |
# POST url. |
uploadurl = "https://jpopsuki.eu/upload.php" |
# Dataset containing all of the information obtained from our FLAC files. |
data = releasedata |
if debug: |
print('_' * 100) |
print('Release Data:\n') |
print(releasedata) |
try: |
postDataFiles = { |
'file_input': open(torrent, 'rb'), |
'userfile': open(cover, 'rb') |
} |
except FileNotFoundError: |
print("_" * 100) |
print('File not found!\nPlease confirm file locations and names. Cover image or .torrent file could not be found') |
sys.exit() |
# If dryrun argument has not ben passed we will POST the results to JPopSuki. |
if dryrun != True: |
JPSres = j.retrieveContent(uploadurl, "post", data, postDataFiles) |
print('\nUpload POSTED') |
## TODO Filter through JPSres.text and create error handling based on responses |
#print(JPSres.text) |
# Function for transferring the contents of the torrent as well as the torrent. |
def ftp_transfer(fileSource, fileDestination, directory, folder_name, watch_folder): |
# Create session |
session = ftplib.FTP(cfg['ftp_prefs']['ftp_server'],cfg['ftp_prefs']['ftp_username'],cfg['ftp_prefs']['ftp_password']) |
# Set session encoding to utf-8 so we can properly handle hangul/other special characters |
session.encoding='utf-8' |
# Successful FTP Login Print |
print("_" * 100) |
print("FTP Login Successful") |
print(f"Server Name: {cfg['ftp_prefs']['ftp_server']} : Username: {cfg['ftp_prefs']['ftp_username']}\n") |
if cfg['ftp_prefs']['add_to_downloads_folder']: |
# Create folder based on the directory name of the folder within the torrent. |
try: |
session.mkd(f"{fileDestination}/{folder_name}") |
print(f'Created directory {fileDestination}/{folder_name}') |
except ftplib.error_perm: |
pass |
# Notify user we are beginning the transfer. |
print(f"Beginning transfer...") |
# Set current folder to the users preferred destination |
session.cwd(f"{fileDestination}/{folder_name}") |
# Transfer each file in the chosen directory |
for file in os.listdir(directory): |
with open(f"{directory}/{file}",'rb') as f: |
filesize = os.path.getsize(f"{directory}/{file}") |
## Transfer file |
# tqdm used for better user feedback. |
with tqdm(unit = 'blocks', unit_scale = True, leave = False, miniters = 1, desc = f'Uploading [{file}]', total = filesize) as tqdm_instance: |
session.storbinary('STOR ' + file, f, 2048, callback = lambda sent: tqdm_instance.update(len(sent))) |
print(f"{file} | Complete!") |
f.close() |
if cfg['ftp_prefs']['add_to_watch_folder']: |
with open(fileSource,'rb') as t: |
# Set current folder to watch directory |
session.cwd(watch_folder) |
## Transfer file |
# We avoid tqdm here due to the filesize of torrent files. |
# Most connections will upload these within 1-3s, resulting in near useless progress bars. |
session.storbinary(f"STOR {torrentfile}", t) |
print(f"{torrentfile} | Sent to watch folder!") |
t.close() |
# Quit session when complete. |
session.quit() |
def localfileorganization(torrent, directory, watch_folder, downloads_folder): |
# Move torrent directory to downloads_folder |
if cfg['local_prefs']['add_to_downloads_folder']: |
try: |
os.mkdir(os.path.join(downloads_folder, os.path.basename(directory))) |
except FileExistsError: |
pass |
copytree(directory, os.path.join(downloads_folder, os.path.basename(directory))) |
shutil.rmtree(directory) |
if cfg['local_prefs']['add_to_watch_folder']: |
os.rename(torrent, f"{watch_folder}/{torrent}") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
asciiart() |
args = getargs() |
# TODO consider calling args[] directly, we will then not need this line |
dryrun = freeleech = tags = directory = debug = None |
directory = args.directory |
additional_tags = args.tags |
if args.dryrun: |
dryrun = True |
if args.debug: |
debug = True |
if args.freeleech: |
freeleech = True |
# Load login credentials from JSON and use them to create a login session. |
with open(f'json_data/config.json') as f: |
cfg = json.load(f) |
loginData = {'username': cfg['credentials']['username'], 'password': cfg['credentials']['password']} |
loginUrl = "https://jpopsuki.eu/login.php" |
loginTestUrl = "https://jpopsuki.eu" |
successStr = "Latest 5 Torrents" |
# j is an object which can be used to make requests with respect to the loginsession |
j = jpspy.MyLoginSession(loginUrl, loginData, loginTestUrl, successStr, debug=args.debug) |
# Acquire authkey |
authkey = getauthkey() |
# Gather data of FLAC file |
releasedata = gatherdata(directory) |
# Folder_name equals the last folder in the path, this is used to rename .torrent files to something relevant. |
folder_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(directory)) |
# Identifying cover.jpg path |
cover_path = directory + "/" + cfg['local_prefs']['cover_name'] |
# Create torrent file. |
torrentfile = createtorrent(authkey, directory, folder_name, releasedata) |
# Upload torrent to JPopSuki |
uploadtorrent(torrentfile, cover_path, releasedata) |
# Setting variable for watch/download folders |
ftp_watch_folder = cfg['ftp_prefs']['ftp_watch_folder'] |
ftp_downloads_folder = cfg['ftp_prefs']['ftp_downloads_folder'] |
local_watch_folder = cfg['local_prefs']['local_watch_folder'] |
local_downloads_folder = cfg['local_prefs']['local_downloads_folder'] |
if cfg['ftp_prefs']['enable_ftp']: |
ftp_transfer(fileSource=torrentfile, fileDestination=ftp_downloads_folder, directory=directory, folder_name=folder_name, watch_folder=ftp_watch_folder) |
if cfg['local_prefs']['add_to_watch_folder'] or cfg['local_prefs']['add_to_downloads_folder']: |
localfileorganization(torrent=torrentfile, directory=directory, watch_folder=local_watch_folder, downloads_folder=local_downloads_folder) |