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  1. Rewriting for use for uploading video torrents to sugoimusic
  2. ## Overview
  3. **SM-AU-TV** is a tool for automating the uploading process on
  4. **Features:**
  5. - SM Client.
  6. - FTP Support
  7. **Installation:**
  8. - Install requirements
  9. ```
  10. pip install -r requirements.txt
  11. ```
  12. ## Command Usage
  13. ```
  14. python {command_name}
  15. ```
  16. Use the copycommand.txt file to easily copy and paste your command.
  17. Command | Description
  18. ------------- | -------------
  19. -h, --help | show help message and exit
  20. -i [INPUT], --input [INPUT] | Initiate upload on input file. This must be added as an argument.
  21. -d, --debug | Enable debug mode.
  22. -dry, --dryrun | Dryrun will carry out all actions other than the actual upload to SM.
  23. -a [ARTISTS], --artists [ARTISTS] | Set the artists. (Romaji\English). Split multiple with ","
  24. -oa [ORIGINALARTIST], --originalartist [ORIGINALARTIST] | Set the artist. (Original Language)
  25. -ca [CONTRIBUTINGARTISTS], --contributingartists [CONTRIBUTINGARTISTS] | Set the contributing artists. (Romaji\English). Split multiple with ","
  26. -ti [TITLE], --title [TITLE] | Set the title. (Romaji\English)
  27. -oti [ORIGINALTITLE], --originaltitle [ORIGINALTITLE] | Set the title. (Original Language)
  28. -des [DESCRIPTION], --description [DESCRIPTION] | Add a torrent description. This must be added as an argument.
  29. -t [TAGS], --tags [TAGS] | Add additional tags to the upload. At least 2 tags are required
  30. -im [IMAGEURL], --imageURL [IMAGEURL] | Set the torrent cover URL.
  31. -ms [MEDIASOURCE], --mediasource [MEDIASOURCE] | Set the media source.
  32. -rt [RELEASETYPE], --releasetype [RELEASETYPE] | Set the release type.
  33. -s [SUB], --sub [SUB] | Set the subtitle type.
  34. -l [LANGUAGE], --language [LANGUAGE] | Set the language
  35. -y [YEAR], --year [YEAR] | Set the torrent year (YYYYMMDD or YYYY).
  36. -f, --freeleech | Enables freeleech.
  37. ## Config.json
  38. - It's not recommended to use both local watch/download folders and ftp watch/download folders at the same time as it will result in seeding from 2 locations.
  39. - If generate_tracklist is set to false the script will try and find BugsPy logs within the selected log folder, this will use the comments tag to find the log. For example if 204815 is within your comments tag, it will search your log folder for 204815.log and use the contents of this log for the album description.
  40. **credentials:**
  41. Config | Description | Example
  42. ------------- | ------------- | -------------
  43. Username | SugoiMusic Username | Slyy
  44. Password | SugoiMusic Password | Password
  45. Passkey | SugoiMusic Passkey | Passkey
  46. **local_prefs**
  47. Config | Description | Example
  48. ------------- | ------------- | -------------
  49. log_directory | directory containing BugsPy log files | `Z:/Bugs/Logs`
  50. generate_tracklist | enable tracklist generation | `true/false`
  51. save_tracklist | write tracklist to .log and save in log folder | `true/false`
  52. enable_release_description | post comments tag to release description | `true/false`
  53. cover_name | name of cover with extension | `cover.jpg`
  54. add_to_watch_folder | moves .torrent file to local watch folder | `true/false`
  55. add_to_downloads_folder | moves torrent data to local downloads folder | `true/false`
  56. local_watch_folder | directory of local watch folder | `Z:/watch/Transmission`
  57. local_downloads_folder | directory of local downloads folder | `Z:/downloads`
  58. **ftp_prefs:**
  59. Config | Description | Example
  60. ------------- | ------------- | -------------
  61. enable_ftp | enable ftp mode, if enabled suggested to disable local watch and downloads folders | `true/false`
  62. add_to_watch_folder | transfer .torrent file to watch folder on FTP server | `true/false`
  63. add_to_downloads_folder | transfer torrent data to downloads folder on FTP server | `true/false`
  64. ftp_server | url of ftp server |
  65. ftp_username | username of ftp account | slyy
  66. ftp_password | password of ftp account | password
  67. ftp_watch_folder | directory of ftp watch folder | `/downloads/watch/transmission`
  68. ftp_downloads_folder | directory of ftp downloads folder | `/downloads`