sharky555 61297351ea Merge pull request 'fix issue 3 and 4' (#5) from issue3and4 into master 3 years ago
jps2sm initial commit 3 years ago
json_data update readme, clean up some code 3 years ago
.gitignore initial commit 3 years ago Merge branch 'master' into issue3and4 3 years ago
copycommand.txt fix issue 3 and 4 3 years ago
requirements.txt initial commit 3 years ago initial commit 3 years ago fix issue 3 and 4 3 years ago


SM-AU-TV is a tool for automating the uploading process of videos on This tool automatically generates the MediaInfo for the upload. Other information must be manually filled in as arguments.


  • Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

Command Usage

python {command_name}

Use the copycommand.txt file to easily copy and paste your command.

Command Description
-h, --help show help message and exit
-i [INPUT], --input [INPUT] Full path of the file to be uploaded.
-d, --debug Enable debug mode.
-dry, --dryrun Dryrun will carry out all actions other than the actual upload to SM.
-rt [RELEASETYPE], --releasetype [RELEASETYPE] Set the release type.
-a [ARTISTS], --artists [ARTISTS] Set the artists. (Romaji\English). Split multiple with “,”
-oa [ORIGINALARTIST], --originalartist [ORIGINALARTIST] Set the artist. (Original Language)
-ca [CONTRIBUTINGARTISTS], --contributingartists [CONTRIBUTINGARTISTS] Set the contributing artists. (Romaji\English). Split multiple with “,”
-ti [TITLE], --title [TITLE] Set the title. (Romaji\English)
-oti [ORIGINALTITLE], --originaltitle [ORIGINALTITLE] Set the title. (Original Language)
-t [TAGS], --tags [TAGS] Add additional tags to the upload. At least 2 tags are required
-y [YEAR], --year [YEAR] Set the torrent year (YYYYMMDD or YYYY).
-eti [EDITIONTITLE], --editiontitle [EDITIONTITLE] Set the edition title.
-ms [MEDIASOURCE], --mediasource [MEDIASOURCE] Set the media source.
-s [SUB], --sub [SUB] Set the subtitle type.
-l [LANGUAGE], --language [LANGUAGE] Set the language
-ey [EDITIONYEAR], --year [EDITIONYEAR] Set the edition year (YYYYMMDD or YYYY).
-im [IMAGEURL], --imageURL [IMAGEURL] Set the torrent cover URL.
-ss [SCREENSHOTURLS], --screenshots [SCREENSHOTURLS] Set the screenshot URLs. Split multiple with “,”
-tdes [TORRENTDESCRIPTION], --torrentdescription [TORRENTDESCRIPTION] Add a torrent description. Only available as an argument.
-tgdes [TORRENTGROUPDESCRIPTION], --torrentgroupdescription [TORRENTGROUPDESCRIPTION] Add a torrent group description. This must be added as an argument.


Copy Config.json.example and rename it to Config.json then change the fields accordingly.


Config Description Example
Username SugoiMusic Username Username
Password SugoiMusic Password Password
Passkey SugoiMusic Passkey Passkey


Config Description Example
add_to_watch_folder moves .torrent file to local watch folder true/false
local_watch_folder directory of local watch folder Z:/watch/Transmission