- class VideoOptions:
- """
- Store Video option constants
- """
- VideoMedias = ('DVD', 'Blu-Ray', 'VHS', 'VCD', 'TV', 'HDTV', 'WEB')
- badcontainers = ('ISO', 'VOB', 'MPEG', 'AVI', 'MKV', 'WMV', 'MP4')
- badcodecs = ('MPEG2', 'h264')
- badformats = badcontainers + badcodecs
- resolutions = ('720p', '1080i', '1080p')
- class Categories:
- """
- Store category constants
- """
- # Store JPS to SM Category translation, defines which JPS Cat gets uploaded to which SM Cat
- # key: JPS category name
- # value: SM category ID
- JPStoSM = {
- 'Album': 0,
- 'EP': 1, # Does not exist on JPS
- 'Single': 2,
- 'Bluray': 3, # Does not exist on JPS
- 'DVD': 4,
- 'PV': 5,
- 'Music Performance': 6, # Does not exist on JPS
- 'TV-Music': 7, # Music Show
- 'TV-Variety': 8, # Talk Show
- 'TV-Drama': 9, # TV Drama
- 'Pictures': 10,
- 'Misc': 11,
- }
- SM = {
- 'Album': 0,
- 'EP': 1, # Does not exist on JPS
- 'Single': 2,
- 'Bluray': 3, # Does not exist on JPS
- 'DVD': 4,
- 'PV': 5,
- 'Music Performance': 6, # Does not exist on JPS
- 'TV Music': 7, # TV-Music
- 'TV Variety': 8, # TV-Variety
- 'TV Drama': 9, # TV-Drama
- 'Pictures': 10,
- 'Misc': 11,
- }
- Video = ('Bluray', 'DVD', 'PV', 'TV-Music', 'TV-Variety', 'TV-Drama', 'Music Performance', 'Fansubs')
- Music = ('Album', 'Single')
- # JPS Categories where release date cannot be entered and therefore need to be processed differently
- NonDate = ('TV-Music', 'TV-Variety', 'TV-Drama', 'Fansubs', 'Pictures', 'Misc')
- # JPS Categories where no release data is present and therefore need to be processed differently
- NonReleaseData = ('Pictures', 'Misc')
- # Music and Music Video Torrents, for category validation. This must match the cateogry headers in JPS for an artist, hence they are in plural
- NonTVCategories = ('Albums', 'Singles', 'DVDs', 'PVs')
- # Categories that should have some of their mediainfo stripped if present, must match indices in Categories.SM
- SM_StripAllMediainfo = (0, 1, 2, 11) # Album, EP, Single, Misc - useful to have duration if we have it added to the description
- SM_StripAllMediainfoExcResolution = 10 # Pictures - useful to have resolution if we have it